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Sport-specific Strength & Conditioning


For any age, at any level


EVO Hockey has developed EVO Labs - unique, sport-specific S&C training, created in conjunction with a number of international athletes, including Justin Reid-Ross, Thomas Briels, Dirkie Chamberlain and more.

We work with all levels: young players looking to build foundations for speed and power, goalkeepers developing reflexes, international athletes looking for that extra half a percent and more.

We can create top-quality S&C programmes to meet your needs. For those with existing programmes (county, international etc) we can assess and offer input that fills the gaps. For example, mobility, stretching and imbalance-corrections are often overlooked, but in hockey athletes, those aspects are key to helping players stay injury-free. 

We can assess you in person, or consult via Skype. We can work with seniors or juniors, individuals or teams. To find out more, get in touch.


1-1 S&C sessions are usually run in school holidays (but we can also come to you by arrangement). When open for bookings you will see them displayed below. 1-1s usually sell out extremely quickly once they go online. Be the first to know when they appear, join our mailing list.

EVO's S&C guru

Tom Archer is the movement specialist who leads EVO Labs. He currently supports a number of international hockey athletes from different countries with S&C programmes and advice. His work is cutting edge and sport-specific - every movement designed to make you a more effective, injury-free player

Meet Tom


