Easter Hockey Camps update

As you will no doubt be aware, government advice regarding COVID-19, given yesterday, was to avoid all non-essential activity and contact. Further to this, England Hockey has suspended all its nationally run hockey activity until at least 15th April.

In light of the above, EVO Hockey has been required to take the difficult decision to suspend all Easter camps.

As per our previous coronavirus update, at this time all Easter camp bookings will automatically be deferred to May. You can see the May dates for each location here. We will be in further communication in due course regarding the mechanics of this and of course we will be keeping the May camps under review, so please expect further communications as the COVID-19 situation develops. Should you have difficulties at present with the May dates, please send us an email and we will arrange a code at the relevant time for a single use credit for a future camp of your choice.

Please accept our apologies for this – we are sure you will all understand that this is a difficult decision made at an unprecedented time, for the health and wellbeing of both the players under our care and the wider community.

Many thanks for your understanding and support, in what will no doubt be a difficult time We look forward to seeing you all again in the near future.

Omar ShibliComment